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  • 사무실 : 형남공학관 904호
  • TEL : 02-820-0611
  • FAX : 02-812-5378
  • E-Mail : hwryu@ssu.ac.kr
  • 직위 : 교수

학사 / 숭실대학교 공과대학 화학공학전공(1987)
석사 / 한국과학기술원 화학공학전공(1989)
박사 / 한국과학기술원 화학공학전공(1993)
전공분야 / 화학공학, 환경공학

홈페이지 / https://www.ssueblab.com/ 

B.S.: Department of Chemical Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea (1983.3 ~1987.2)
M.S.: Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (1987.3~1989.2)
Ph.D.: Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejon, Korea (1988.3~1993.2)
Post Doctor: Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Minnesota, MN, USA (1993.3~1994.2)


[Research Interests]

Bioprocess Bioengineering
BioEnergy and Biopolymer Production
Bioseparation by Memorial Membranes
Biomining and Autotrophic bacteria
Environmental Biotechnology: Biological treatment processes for waste gases, wastewater, and groundwater
Biodesulfurization of Fuel (biogas, coal and petroleum)
Greenhouse gases: Biotechnology for methane reduction
Beauty Science and Technology(뷰티공학): Natural Cosmetics, Biotechnology in Beauty




Ryu, H.W. Heat Transfer Characteristics of cool-thermal energy storage systems. M.S. Thesis, KAIST, Seoul (1989).
Ryu, H.W. Microbial Desulfurization of coal and development of a high performance bubble column bioreactor. Ph. D. Thesis, KAIST, Daejon (1993).




 [ 경력 ]

2008-현재 숭실대학교 공과대학 화학공학과 교수
2002-2008: 숭실대학교 공과대학 환경화학공학과 부교수
1997-2002: 숭실대학교 공과대학 화학공학과 조교수
1995-1997: 숭실대학교 공과대학 화학공학과 전임강사
2008-2009 Exchange Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, DE, USA
2008-현재 환경분쟁위원회 자문위원
2004-현재 사)한국냄새환경학회 총무이사, 이사
2004-2008 환경관리공단 환경기술평가 심의위원/설계자문위원회 기술위원
2006 한국생물공학회 이사
2003-현재 한국생물공학회 평의원
2003-현재 한국미생물생명공학회 평의원
2003-2004 한국생물공학회 편집간사
2000-2003 한국미생물생명공학회 편집간사
2003-현재 기술표준원 ISO/TC190 전문위원


[Honors and Awards]

2008 제 8회 환경기술상, 환경부
2006 환경부장관 표창, 환경부
2003 학술상, 숭실대학교
2000 신인학술상, 한국생물공학회



 International Papers (SCI & SCIE)

1.Ryu, H.W., S.A. Hong, B.C. Shin, and S.D. Kim. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cool-Thermal Storage Systems. Energy. 16, 727-737 (1991).

2.Woo, S.W., H.W. Ryu, and S.D. Kim. Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Latent Heat Storage System. IECEC, 26, 112-116 (1991. 8.).

3.Ryu, H.W., B.C. Shin, S.W. Woo, and S.D. Kim. Prevention of Supercooling and Stabilization of Inorganic Salt Hydrates as Latent Heat Storage Materials. Solar Energy & Materials, 27, 161-172 (1992. 3.).

4.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim. Gas Holdup and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Solutions in a Bubble Column with a Radial Gas Sparger. Bioprocess Engineering 8, 171-177 (1993. 3.).

5.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim. Microbial Coal Desulfurization in an Airlift Bioreactor by Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Fuel Processing Technology 36, 267-275 (1993. 5.).

6.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, S.D. Kim, K.S. Cho, and T. Mori. Refinement of Low-Grade Clay by Microbial Removal of Sulfur and Iron Compounds using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. J. Fermen. Bioeng. 80 (1), 46-582 (1995. 6.).

7.Ryu, H. W., K. S. Cho, Y. K. Chang, and H. N. Chang. Cells separation from high cell density broths of Alkaligenes eutrophus by using a coagulant. Biotechnol. Techniques. 10(12), 899-904 (1996).

8.Cho, K.S., H. W. Ryu, C. H. Park and P. R. Goodrich. Poly(hydroxybutyrate -co- hydroxyvalerate) from swine waste by Azotobacter vinelandii UWD. Biotechnol. Lett., 19(1), 7-10 (1997).

9.Ryu, H. W., S. K. Hahn, Y.K. Chang, and H. N. Chang. Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by high cell density fed-batch cuture of Alcaligenes eutrophus with phosphate limitation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 55(1), 28-32 (1997).

10.Lee, E. Y., K.S. Cho, H. W. Ryu, Y. K. Chang. Microbial removal of Fe(III) impurities from clay using dissililatory iron reducers. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 87(3), 294-296(1999).

11.Ryu, H. W., K.-S. Cho, B. S. Kim, Y. K. Chang, H. N. Chang, and H. J. Shim. Mass Production of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Fed-Batch Cultures of Ralstonia eutropha with Nitrogen and Phosphate Limitation. Microbial. Biotechnol. 9(6), 751-756 (1999).

12.Chang, J.H., H.W. Ryu, Y.K. Chang, K.S. Cho, and H.N. Chang. Desulfurization of model and diesel oils by resting cells of Gordona sp. CYKS1. Biotechnol. Lett. 22(3), 193-196 (2000).

13.Cho, K.S., H.W. Ryu, E.G. Lee, and Y.K. Chang. Separation of Alcaligenes eutrophus cells containing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from fermentation borth with pretreatment using Al- and Fe- based coagulants. Biotechnol. Prog. 16(2), 238-243 (2000).

14.Cho, K.S., H.W. Ryu, and N.Y. Lee. Biological deodorization of hydrogen sulfide using porous lava as a carrier of Thiobacillus thiooxidans. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 90(1), 25-31 (2000).

15.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., E.G. Lee, and Y.K. Chang. Recovery of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from conagulated Ralstonia eutropha using a chemical digestion method. Biotechnol. Prog. 16(4), 676-679 (2000).

16.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Park, C.H., Goodrich, P.R. Utilization of swine wastewater as a feedstock for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Azotobacter vinelandii UWD. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 91(2), 129-133 (2001).

17.Lee, E.Y., Noh, S.R., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Leaching of Mn, Co, and Ni from manganese nodule using an anaerobic bioleaching method. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 92, 354-359 (2001).

18.Chang, J.H., Kim, Y.J., Lee, B.H., Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Chang, H.N. Production of a desulfurization biocatalyst by two-stage fermentation and its application for the treatment of model and diesel oils. Biotechnol. Prog. 17, 876-880 (2001).

19.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Lee, I.S., Choi, H.M. Effect of solids concentration on bacterial leaching of heavy metals from sewage sludge. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 52, 237-243 (2002).

20.Lee, E.Y., Jun, Y.S., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Degradation characteristics of toluene, benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylene by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia T3-c. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 52, 400-406 (2002).

21.Kim, T.W., Kim, C.J., Chang, Y.K., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. Development of an optimal medium for continuous ferrous iron oxidation by immobilized Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans cells. Biotechnol. Prog., 18, 752-759 (2002).

22.Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Microbial refinement of kaolin by iron-reducing bacteria. Appl. Clay Sci., 22, 47-53 (2002).

23.Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., Han, H.D., and Ryu, H.W. Hydrogen sulfide effects on ammonia removal by a biofilter seeded with earthworm casts. J. Environ. Quality, 31, 1782-1788 (2002).

24.Kim, M.A., Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Lee, E.G., and Chang, Y.K. Recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from high cell density culture of Rlastonia eutorpha by direct addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Biotechnol. Lett., 25, 55-59 (2003).

25.Choi, O.K., Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Chang, Y.K. Enhancement of phase separation by the addition of de-emulsifiers to three phase (diesel oil/biocatalyst/aqueous phase) emulsion in diesel biodesulfurization. Biotechnol. Lett., 25, 73-77 (2003).

26.Kwon, H.H., Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Benzene Biodegradation Using the Polyurethane Biofilter Immobilized with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia T3-c. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 13, 70-76 (2003).

27.Ryu, H.W., Moon, H.S., Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., and Choi, H. Leaching characteristics of heavy metals from sewage sludge by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans MET. J. Environ. Quality, 32, 751-759 (2003).

28.Kim, T.J., Lee, E.Y., Kim, Y.J., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons by Burkholderia cepacia 2A-12. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 19, 411-417 (2003).

29.Cho, K.S., Choi, O.K., Joo, Y.H., Lee, K.M., Lee, T.H., and Ryu, H.W. Characterization of biofilms occurred in seepage groundwater contaminated with petroleum within an urban subway tunnel. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 39, 639-650 (2004).

30.Kim, Y.J, Chang, J.H., Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Chang, Y.K. A physiological study on growth and dibenzothiophene(DBT) desulfurization characteristics of Gordonia sp. CYKS1. Korean Journal of Chemistry and Engineering, 21(2), 436-441 (2004).

31.An, Y.J, Joo, Y.H., Hong, I.Y., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. Microbial characterization of toluene-degrading denitrifying consortia obtained from terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 65(5), 611-619 (2004).

32.Hong, J.H., Kim, J., Choi, O.K., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Characterization of a diesel-degrading bacterium IU5 isolated from oil-contaminated soil. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 21(3), 381-384 (2005).

33.Choi, M.S., Cho, K.S., Kim, D.S., and Ryu, H.W. Bioleaching of uranium from low grade black schists by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 21(3), 377-380 (2005).

34.Lee, I.S. Bae, H.S., Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S. and Chang, Y.K. Biocatalytic desulfurization of diesel oil in an air-lift reactor with immobilized Gordonia nitida CYKS1 cells. Biotechnol. Prog. 21, 781-785 (2005).

35.Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Simultaneous Removal of H2S and NH3 in a Biofilter Inoculated with Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans TAS. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 99(6), 611-615 (2005).

36.Cho, W. Lee, E.H., Shim, E.H., Kim, J., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. Bacterial communities of biofilms sampled from seepage groundwater contaminated with petroleum oil. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 15(5), 952-964, 2005. Kim, J. Ryu, H.W. Jung, D.J., Lee, T.H., and Cho, K.S. Styrene degradation in a polyurethane biofilter inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. IS-3. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 15(6), 1207-12013, 2005.

37.Lee, T.H., Kim, J., Kim, M.J., Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., "Degradation characteristics of methyl ethyl ketone by Pseudomonassp. KT-3 in liquid culture and biofilter" Chemosphere, 63, 315, 2006.

38.Lee, E.Y., Lee, N.Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Removal of hydrogen sulfide by sulfate-tolerant Acidiothiobacillus thiooxidans AZ11. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 101, 309, 2006.

39.Joo, Y.H., An, Y.J., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. Isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic and halotolerant Rhodococcus sp. YHLT-2. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 16: 605, 2006.

40.Shim, E.H., Kim, J. , Ryu. H.W., and Cho, K.S., Biofiltration and inhibitory interactions of gaseous benzene, toluene, xylene and methyl tert-butyl ether. Environ. Sci. & Eng., 40: 3089, 2006.

41.Lee Y-K, H. W. Ryu, J.-Y. Lee, J.-G. Han, K.-H. Chnag, and J.-H. Lee, The occurrence time estimation of oil contaminated source considering hydro-geological features. Geosicences J., 11, 95-103 (2007).

42.Cho, K.-S., S.-K. Yoo, and H. W. Ryu. Thermophilic Biofiltration of Benzene and Toluene. J Microb. Biotechnol, 17(12), 1976-1982, 2007.

43.Ryu, H. W., K.-S. Cho, and H.-M. Choi. Toxicity evaluation of complex metal mixtures using reduced metal concentrations: Application to iron oxidation 5 by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. J Microb. Biotechnol, 18, 1298-1307 (2008)

44.Ryu et al., Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates by Azotobacter vinelandii UWD Using Swine Wastewater: Effect of Supplementing Glucose, Yeast Extract, and Inorganic Salts. Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering. 13, 651-658 (2008).

45.Ryu et al., Toluene degradation in a polyurethane biofilter at high loading. Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering. 13, 360-365 (2008).

46.Ryu et al., Thermophilic biofiltration of H2S and isolation of a thermophilic and heterotrophic H2S-degrading bacterium, Bacillus sp. TSO3. J Hazardous Materials. 168, 501-506 (2009).

47.Ryu et al., Removal of benzene and toluene in polyurethane biofilter immobilized with Rhodococcus sp. EH831 under transient loading. Bioresource Technology.100, 5656-5663 (2009).

48.Ryu et al., Application of quantitative real-time PCR for quantification of Rhodococcus sp. EH831 in a polyurethane biofilter. Journal of environmental biology. 30, 155-159 (2009).

49.Ryu et al., Plant Growth-Promoting Trait of Rhizobacteria Isolated from Soil Contaminated with Petroleum and Heavy Metals. J Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20, 250-257 (2010).

50.Ryu et al., Earthworm cast as a promising filter bed material and its methanotrophic contribution to methane removal. J Hazardous Materials. 176, 131-138 (2010).

51.Ryu et al., Relationships between biomass, pressure drop, and performance in a polyurethane biofilter. Bioresource Technology.101, 1745-1751 (2010).

52.Ryu et al., Comparison of toluene removability and pressure drop in biofilters with four types of packing materials in biofilters packed with four different media. Journal of Environmental Biology. 31, 126-130 (2010).

Domestic Papers

1.Choi, P.H., H.W. Ryu, T. H. Lee, and Y.K. Chang, "Separation of Lipases using Reversed Micelles", Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 6, 337~344 (1991).

2.Joo, J.S., H.W. Ryu, and Y.K. Chang, "Immobilization of Rhizopus chinesis using Polyurethane Foams", Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 7, 172~178 (1992).

3.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial Coal Desulfurization Process by using Sulfur-Oxidizing Microorganisms", Energy Engineering, 1, 135~151 (1992).

4.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial Desulfurization of Coal by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", HwaHak KongHak, 31, 325~334 (1993).

5.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, S.D. Kim, K.S. Cho, and T. Mori, "Improvement of a Marine Clay by a Microbial Desulfurization Process", HwaHak KongHak, 32, 179 ~ 186.(1994).

6.Ryu, H.W. and Y.K. Chang, "Design of Airlift Bioreactors", The Microorganisms and Industry, 20, 20~25 (1994).

7.Ryu, H.W., T.H. Lee, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Effects of surfactants on oxidation of ferrous iron by Thiobacillus ferrrooxidans", HwaHak KongHak, 32, 726~733 (1994).

8.Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Airlift Bioreactor", Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 9, 347~364 (1994).

9.Ryu, H.W. "Mass Transfer Characteristics of Mycelial Fermentation Broths in Bubble Column with a Radial Gas Sparger", 숭실대학교 논문집 (공학편), 25(2), 9-16 (1995).

10.손호용, 장제환, 장용근, 장호남, 류희욱, 조경숙, "석유 탈황용 미생물 분리 및 디젤유에 대한 탈황능 평가(Isolation of microorganisms for petroleum desulfurization and evaluation of its desulfurization activity for disel oil)", 청정기술학회지(Clean Technology), 2(1), 53-59 (1996).

11.류희욱, "철산화 박테리아 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans에 의한 역청탄의 생물학적 탈황, 한국생물공학회, 11(2), 238-245 (1996).

12.조경숙, 류희욱, 장용근, "폐탄광 배수에 의해 오염된 하천의 화학적 특성과 미생물 활성 (Chemical characteristics and microbial activity of streams contaminated by the abandoned coal mine drainage)", 한국생태학회지, 19 (5), 365-373, (1996).

13.조경숙, 류희욱, 박창호, "돈사폐수를 이용한 polyalkanoates의 생산 (Production of polyalkanoates from swine wastewater)", 대한환경공학회지, 18 (10), 1259-1270 (1996).

14.이은영, 조경숙, 류희욱, 박상진, 배무, "지렁이 분변토로부터 황화수소 분해균주의 분리 및 특성", 한국환경생물학회지, 15(1), 53-61 (1997).

15. Hahn S. K., H. W. Ryu, & Y. K. Chang, Comparison and optimization of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) recovery from Alcailgines eutrophus and recombinant Escherichia coli, Kor. J. Chem. Eng., 15 (1), 51-55 (1998).

16.이은영, 조경숙, 류희욱, 배무, "점토로부터 철불순물의 생물학적 제거에 미치는 탄소원의 영향", 한국산업미생물학회, 25(6), 552-559 (1997).

17.류희욱, 조경숙, 장용근, "인산염 제한하에서 Alcaligenes eutrophus의 유가식 배양에 의한 polyhydroxyalkanoates의 대량생산과 축적 특성", 한국생물공학회, 13(2), 187-194 (1998).

18.조경숙, 최희식, 류희욱, 조강현, 박성연, "Alcaligenes latus의 배양방법에 따른 생분해성 플라스틱의 생산 특성", 한국환경생물학회, 16(1), 47-55 (1998).

20.조경숙, 홍은화, 류희욱, 장용근, "응집 처리한 Alcaligenes eutrophus 균체로부터 poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)의 회수", 한국산업미생물학회지, 26(3), 206-212 (1998).

21.조경숙, 류희욱, 이현우, 곽종운, 장용근, " Alcaligenes eutrophus 고농도 배양액으로부터 알루미늄(Al)계 응집제를 이용한 세포분리", 한국생물공학회지, 13(3), 272-278 (1998).

22.류희욱, 김윤정, 조경숙, 강근석, 최형민, " Thiobacillus ferrooxidans를 이용한 소화 슬러지의 중금속 제거에 미치는 슬러지 농도의 영향", 한국생물공학회지, 13(3), 279-283 (1998).

23.류희욱, 조경숙, 곽종운, 장용근, "Alcaligenes eutrophus의 배양액으로부터 균체 분리 효율에 미치는 철(Fe)계 응집제의 효과" 한국산업미생물학회, 26(3), 257-263 (1998).

24.조경숙, 류희욱, 문희선, "황산화세균을 이용한 하수슬러지의 중금속 제거에 미치는 슬러지 고형물 농도 및 S0 첨가량의 영향", 대한환경공학회지, 21(3), 1545-1553 (1999).

25.류희욱, "철산화 박테리아 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans를 이용한 충전탑 반응기에서의 석탄의 생물학적 탈황", 한국생물공학회지, 14(1), 124-130 (1999).

26.조경숙, 김윤정, 성정현, 류희욱, 장용근, "돌연변이 균주 Gordona sp. EID의 dibenzothiophene 탈황특성", 청정기술, 5(2), 79-86 (1999).

27.Lee E.Y., Cho K.-S., and Ryu H. W. Characterization of Sulfur Oxidation by an Autotrophic Sulfur Oxidizer, Thiobacillus sp. ASWW-2, Biotechnol. Bioproc. Bioeng. 5: 48-52 (2000).

28.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Kim M.J., Kang S.Y., and Choi H.S. Refinement of low-grade clay using iron-reducing bacteria (I): comparison of traditional repening and biotechnological repening. Kor. J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 15(2), 201-207 (2000).

29.Ryu, H.W. and Cho, K.S. Refinement of low-grade clay using iron-reducing bacteria (II): removal characteristics of iron impurity from various porcelain clay. Kor. J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 15(2), 208-213 (2000).

30.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., and Lee N.Y. Removal of odor by biofilter. The Kyobo Foundation for Education and Culture. 3, 199-214 (2000).

31.Noh S.L., Lee E. Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Recovery of Mn noodles by anaerobic bioleaching. J. of KSEE. 23(3), 433-443 (2001).

32.Lim S.H., Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Choi H.S., and Chang Y.K. Evaluation of biodegradability for Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate in Earth worm cast and compost miccerocosm. J. of KSEE. 23(3), 495-505 (2001).

33.Chun Y.S., Lee T.H., Lee E. Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Characterization of toluene degradation by Enterobacter agglomerans X9-C isolated from a VOC biofilter, J. of KSEE. 23(5), 889-898 (2001).

34.Choi M.S., Cho K.-S., Ryu H. W., Park K.H., Shon J.S., and Kim D.J. Recovery of Uranium from the black schists in the basin of Ogchen by bioleaching process. J. of KSEE. 23(10), 1721-1731 (2001).

35.Lim s.H., Lee S.E., Lee I.S., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Effect of sludge digestion on removal efficiency of heavy metals from sewage sludge using Thiobacillus thiooxidans MET. Kor. J. Biotechnol. Bioeng, 16(4), 389-397 (2001).

36.Lee Y.O., Zho C.G., Ryu, H.W. and Cho, K.S. "Removal of malodorous gasesfrom swine manure by a polyurethane biofilter inoculated with heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(1), 91-97 (2002).

37.Ryu, H.W., Han H.D., and Cho, K.S. Characterization of ammonia removal in biofilters inoculated with earthworm cast. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(1), 73-78 (2002).

38.Kim I.D., Lee T.H., Ryu, H.W. and Cho, K.S. Toluene removal by the scoria biofilter using microbial consortium isolated by enrichment culture from oil-contaminated soil. 1(1), 39-46 (2002).

39.Jun Y.S., Lee E. Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Degradation characteristics of benzene by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia T3-c. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 1(1), 53-58 (2002).

40.Kim M.J., Lee T.H., Lee. K.M., Ryu, H.W. and Cho, K.S. Degradation characteristics of methyl ethyl ketone and methyl isobutyl ketone by Pseudomonas putida KT-3. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(4), 395-401 (2002).

41.Lee E. Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. "Degradation characterization of sulfur-containing malodorous gases by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans AZ11. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 2(1), 46-53 (2003. 3).

42.Choi Y. H., Oh J.I. Bae B.H., Lee T.H., and Ryu H.W. "Biobarrier formation in porous media under denitrification condition. J. of KSEE, 25: 616-623 (2003. 5).

43.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Lee T.H., Huh M. Management of offensive odors in swine production facilities: I. Domestic status and offensive odors in swine production. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 2: 69-77 (2003. 6)

44.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Lee T.H., Huh M. Management of offensive odors in swine production facilities: II. Odor Management Plans. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 2: 78-85 (2003. 6).

45.Ryu, H.W. "Isolation of a wood-rotting fungus to decolorize a wide structurally different synthetic dyes. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 31(3): 301-306 (2003. 9)

46.Ryu, H.W. Effect of operating parameters on microbial desulfurization of coal by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 31(4): 400-407 (2003. 12)

47.Kim T.J., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. "Degradation of Phenanthrene and pyrene by Burkholderia sp. D5. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 39:(4) 267-271 (2003, 12).

48.Cho, K.S. and Ryu, H.W. Analysis of microbial communities in a thermo-biofilter based on fatty acid methyl ester profiles. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 2(2), 133-137 (2003).

49.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Lee T.H., Huh M Management of offensive odors in swine production facilities: I. Domestic status and offensive odors in swine production. III. Technologies for odor control. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 3(1), 1-11 (2004).

50.Cho W.S., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Degradation characteristics of toluene and xylene by anaerobic microorganisms. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 3(2), 121-126 (2004).

51.Ryu, H.W. Removal of malodorous gases emitted from a wastewater pumping stations by biological methods. Kor. J.Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(3), 265-270 (2004).

52.Shim E.H., Kim Y.H., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Anaerobic biodegrdation of the mnixture gases of benzene, toluene and xylene. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng. 3(3), 186-192 (2004).

53.Ryu H.W., Lee N.Y., and Cho K.S. "Removal of high strength hydrogen sulfide gas using a bioreactor immobilized with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(4), 328-333 (2004).

54.Cho K.S., Gu S.Y., and Kim J.Y., and Ryu H.W. Quantification of inhibitory impact of heavy metals on the growth of Escherichia coli. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(4), 341-346 (2004).

55.Cho, K.S. and Ryu, H.W., Analysis of microbial communities in a thermo-biofilter based on fatty acid methyl ester profiles. Kor. J. Odor Research Eng, 3(4), 213-219 (2004).

56.Ryu, H.W. and Cho, K.S. Bacterial community analysis during composting of garbage using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33(3) 226-230 (2005).

57.Lee E. Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Growth characteristics of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in different sulfur concentrations. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 64, 338~341 (2006).

58.Kim S.H., Hong S.H., Kang H.J., Ryu, H.W. Lee, S.D., Cho K.S., amd Lee. I. S. Effects of Pb and CO2 on the growth of Pinus densiflora seedings. J. Ecol. Field. Biol. 29, 559~563 (2006).

59.Jung D. J., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. Effect of flow rates of the contaminated gases on removal of benzene by a Polyurethane biofilter. J. of KSEE. 29, 755-760 (2007).

60.Lee S.H., Kim P. H., and Ryu H.W. Effect of flow rates of the contaminated gases on removal of benzene by a Polyurethane biofilter. J. of Kor. Sco. Esthetics Consmeceutics, 2 (4), 159-166 (2007).

61.Ryu et al., Pilot-scale 바이오필터를 이용한 제약공정 배출가스의 처리. 한국생물공학회 23(6), 470-743 (2008).

62.Ryu et al., 매립지의 메탄 배출 저감을 위한 생물공학기술. 한국미생물생명공학회 37(4), 293-305 (2009).

63.Ryu et al., 비듬균 Malassezia 균에 대한 천연 추출물의 항균효과. 한국피부미용향장학회 4(4), 19-26 (2009).

64.Ryu et al., 폐가스 처리용 바이오필터에 미생물 군집 분석 기법의 적용. 화학공학, 48(2), 000-000 (2010).

[Domestic Patents]

1.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee E.Y. Thiobacillus thiooxidans TAS and Biological Deoderization using the Strain. Kor. Patent 0290579 (2001. 3. 3).

2.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee I.S. Method of Heavy Metal Bioleaching Using Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria. Kor. Patent 0290578 (2001. 3. 3).

3.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee I.S. Strain of Thiobacillus thiooxidans MET and Method of Heavy Metal Bioleaching using Thereof. Kor. Patent 0290577 (2001. 3. 3).

4.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Chang Y.K. Thiobacillus thiooxidans AZ 11 and Biological Deoderization Method and Apparatus using the Strain. Kor. Patent 0290716 (2001. 3. 5).

5.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Chang Y.K., Kim C.J., and Kim. T. H. Apparatus and Method for Treatment of Gases Containing Hydrogen Sulfide. Kor. Patent 0301959 (2001. 6. 28).

6.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Lee, T.H., and Noh. S. L. Anaerobic mining microorganism agent and Method and process for recovery of precious metals using this agent. Kor. Patent 0381132 (2003. 4. 8).

7.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Lee. E. Y., Lee, T.H., Kim. S. J., and Jun Y.S. Microbacterium esteraromaicum CS3-1 and Method for Biological removal of volatile organic carbons using the Strain. Kor. Patent 0386102 (2003. 5. 20).

8.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Lee. E. Y., Lee, T.H., Chung, D. Y., Kim, I. D, and Jun Y.S. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia T3-c, and a method for bioremediation of oil contamination using the strain. Kor. Patent 0388164 (2003. 6. 5).

9.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee T. H. Biofilter equipped with a stirrer and injector of solid feed and method for removing odor and volatile organic compounds from gases using the same. Kor. Patent 0408158 (2003. 11. 21).

10.Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Park J. W., and Kim T.J. Bulkholderia cepacia 2A-12 and Method for bioremediation of PAH contamination using the strain. Kor. Patent 0431278 (2004. 4. 30).

11.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Joo, J.H., and Lee T. H. A novel hydrocarbon-degrading psychrotrophic bacterium. Kor. Patent 0435231(2004. 5. 31).

12.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., and Lee T. H. Apparatuses for oil absorption using hydrophobic carbonized materials, and the remediation methods for contaminated water and groundwater using these apparatuses. Kor. Patent 0458606 (2004. 11. 16).

13.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., and Lee T. H. Novel thermophilic microorganisms and biological treatment methods of hot waste gases using the same. Kor. Patent 0557900 (2006. 2. 27).

14.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Shim, E.H., and Lee T. H. Pseudomonas sp. JN4 Having Lubricants Degrading Activity and Method for Removing Lubricants from the Contaminated Soil and Underground Water Using The Same. Kor. Patent 10-0676929 (2007. 1. 25)

15.Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Lee, E.H., and Lee T. H. Rhodococcus sp. EH831 Having Hexane Biodegrading Activity and Method for Treating Waste Gases Using the Same. Kor. Patent 10-0676929 (2007. 1. 25).

16.조경숙, 주양희, 류희욱, 이경미, 이태호, "신규한 중?저온 유류분해균주 Rhodococcus sp. YHLT-2 (KCTC 10203BP) 균주 및 이를 이용한 생물학적 유류 제거 방법" 대한민국 특허 제 0435231호 (2004. 5. 31).

17.조경숙, 류희욱, 이태호, 이경미, 최종민, 최희식, "친유성 탄화소재를 활용한 유류흡착 장치와 이를 이용한 오염수 정화방법", 대한민국 특허 제 0458606호 (2004. 11. 16).

18.류희욱, 조경숙, 심은화, 이태호, "윤활유 분해능을 가지는 슈도모나스 JN4 균주 및 이를 이용한 오염 토양 및 지하수로부터 오염된 윤활유를 제거하는 방법" 대한민국특허출원 10-2005-0101122 (2005. 10. 26)

19.류희욱, 조경숙, 이은희, 이태호, "헥산 생분해능을 가지는 로도코코스 EH831 균주 및 이를 이용한 오염가스의 정화방법" 대한민국특허출원 10-2005-0101779 (2005. 10. 27)

20.조경숙, 류희욱, 이태호, 광온성 악취/VOC 분해미생물군의 수득방법과 상기 분해미생물군을 포함하는 미생물 제제 및 이를 이용한 악취, 대한민국 특허 제 0557900 호 (2006. 2. 27).

[International patents]

Ryu, H. W., Y.K. Chang, and S. D. Kim. "Bubble column with radial dispersing device", US patent 5,242,643 (1993.12.10)

Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee T. H., Biofilter equipped with a stirrer and injector of solid feed and method for removing odor and volatile organic compounds from gases using the same, China patent ZL 01804540 (2005. 10. 5).

Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee T. H., Biofilter equipped with a stirrer and injector of solid feed and method for removing odor and volatile organic compounds from gases using the same, US patent 7157271 (2007).

Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., and Lee T. H., Biofilter equipped with a stirrer and injector of solid feed and method for removing odor and volatile organic compounds from gases using the same, Japan patent 3935431 (2007).

[International Conference]

Ryu, H.W., B.C. Shin, and S.D. Kim, "Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Cool-Thermal Storage System During the Charging Process", The 2 nd Student Symp. on Chem. Eng., KAIST/Kyushu, 2, C14 (1989).

Ryu, H.W., B.C. Shin, and S.D. Kim, "Heat Transfer and Heat Storage Material Properties in Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Systems", Proc. of 13th Korea Symp. on Sci. and Tech., II, 274~280 (1990).

Kim, S.D. and H.W. Ryu, "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cool-Thermal Energy Storage Systems in the Discharging Stage", 1, 233 ~ 236, Japan/Korea Solar Energy Society Conference, Kitami, Japan (1991).

Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Solutions in a Novel Bubble Column", 1991-AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (1991).

Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Mycelial Fermentation Broths in a Novel Bubble Column", Biochemical Engineering for 2001; Frusaki et al., Eds., Springer Verlag(CR), 460~462, Yokohama, Japan (1992).

Ryu, H.W., H.J., Yoo, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial Desulfurization of Coal by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", Proc. 3rd Asian Conference on Fluidized Bed and Three-Phase Reactors (Chun and Kim eds.), 628~633 KyongJu, Korea (1992).

Lee. Y.S., H.W. Ryu, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Clean Coal Production by Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", The 5th Student Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kyushu/Chugnam, A42-1 ~ A42-7, Beppu, Japan (1992).

Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial Desulfurization of Coal by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", Proc. 2nd Annual Symposium of BioProcess Engineering Research Center, 135~145 (1992).

Ryu, H.W., T.H. Lee, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Coal Desulfurization by a Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", Australia/Korea Workshop on Environmental Issues in Ausatralia and Korea, 30~34, Kensington, Australia (1993).

Ryu, H.W., T.H. Lee, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Coal Desulfurization by a Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", Australia/Korea Workshop on Environmental Issues in Ausatralia and Korea, 30-34, Kensington, Australia (1993. 9.30 - 10.1.).

Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, S.D. Kim, K.S. Cho, and T. Mori, "Improvement of a marine clay by microbial desulfurization" 平成6年度 日本生物工學會大會 講演要旨集, p43, (1994).

Ryu, H.W., K.S. Cho, Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial desulfurization of marine clay" Proceeding of BPERC International Symposium '94, 95-107 (1994).

Ryu, H.W., Y.K. Chang, and S.D. Kim, "Microbial Desulfurization of Marine Clay" 1994-Society for Fermentation and Bioengineering, Kobe, Japan (1994).

Ryu, H. W., T. H. Lee, Y. K. Chang, and S. D. Kim, " Effect of surfacatants on iron-oxidizing bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", Proceeding of the Environmental Biotechnology '96, Vol. 2, 785-795, Palmeston, North New Zealand, Dec. 5 (1996)

Cho K. S., H. W. Ryu, and C. H. Park, "Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from swine wastewater", 일본화학공학회 추계학술대회 논문초록집, , (1996. 9.17-19.)

Cho K. S., H. W. Ryu, and Y. K. Chang, "Microbial activity and physico-chemical characteristics of streams contaminated by abandoned coal mine drainage", 한국생물과학협회 창립 50주년기념 국제학술대회 논문초록집, 105, (1996. 10.1.)

Ryu, H. W., K. S. Cho and Y. K. Chang "Application of a coagulant for recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) synthesized in Alcaligenens eutrophus" Proceedings of APBIOCHEC '97 (Asia-Pacific biochemical Engineering Conference), 634-637, (1997. 10. 20-10.23).

Lee, E. Y., K. S. Cho, H. W. Ryu, and Y. K. Chang "Microbial refinement of low-grade clay using iron reducing microorganisms" Proceedings of APBIOCHEC '97 (Asia-Pacific biochemical Engineering Conference), 618-621, (1997. 10. 20-10.23).

Lee E. Y., K. S. Cho, and H. W. Ryu, "Biofiltration of hydrogen sulfide by a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium immobilized on porous ceramincs" Proceeding of Odor Research and Eng. '98 (1998. 6. 11.-6. 12.).

Ryu H. W., K. S. Cho, and H. D. Han, "Removal of ammonia using immobilized ammonia-oxidizing bacteria" Proceeding of Odor Research and Eng. '98 (1998. 6. 11.-6. 12.).

Cho, K.S., Kim, T.Y., Ryu, H.W., and Kim K.S. "Remediation of sediments contaminated with heavy metals using bioleaching technology" Proceeding of Japan Society on Water Environment, 279 (2001. 3. 14-16).

Kim K.S., Chung J.Y., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. "Elimination technologies and cost estimation of odors emitted from the Nanji sewage pumping station, 555 (2001. 3. 14-16).

Kim, M.J., Ryu, H.W., Cho, K.S., Park K.H., and Sohn, J.S. "Development of immobilized bioreactor from regeneration of iron catalyst using metal leaching", International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2001. 9. 16-19, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Park K.H., Noh, S.R., Lee, E.Y., Cho, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. "Leaching Mn from manganese nodules using an anaerobic bioleaching process", International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2001. 9. 16-19, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Choi, M.S. Cho, K.S., Ryu, H.W., Park K.H., and Sohn, J.S.. "Tolerance levels of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on single and mixed metal ions", International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2001. 9. 16-19, Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Cho, K.S., Lee E. Y., Jun, Y.S., and Ryu, H.W. "Degradation Characteristics of BTEX by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia T3-c" 15th Annual Conference on Odor Environment, 76-79 (2002. 5. 23.-5. 24.).

Kim, M.J., Park H.D., Lee, T.H., Lee, K.M., Ryu, H.W., Joo, Y.H., and Cho, K.S. "Degradation of Ketone compounds by Pseudomonas putida MEK-3" 15th Annual Conference on Odor Environment, 104-105 (2002. 5. 23.-5. 24.).

Jeong, D. J., Lee, T.H., Lee, K.M., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. "Effect of pressure drop on the removability of benzene in a polyurethane biofilter" 15th Annual Conference on Odor Environment, 80-81 (2002. 5. 23.-5. 24.).

Joo, Y.H., Lee, K.M., Lee, T.H., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. "Isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic and halotolerant Rhodococcus sp. YHLT-2" 9th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, p.155 (2002. 7. 1.-5.).

Kim, M.J., Hong, J.H., Park, H.D., Lee, T.H., Lee, K.M., Ryu, H.W., and Cho, K.S. "Degradation of volatile solvents by Pseudomonas putida MEK-3" 9th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, p.158 (2002. 7. 1.-5.).

Choi, O.K., Cho, K.S., Lee, K.M., and Ryu, H.W. "Microbial population chracterization of metal-reducing consortia to dissolve metals from manganese nodule and kaolin" Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Ecology, p. 42 (2002. 8. 11.-18.).

Choi, O.K., Joo, Y.H., Lee, K.M., Ryu, H.W., Lee, T.H., and Cho, K.S. "Characterization of biofilms occurred in flowing oil-contaminated groundwater" Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Ecology, p. 42-43 (2002. 8. 11.-18.).

3Hong, J.D., Lee, Y., Chang, Y.S., Kim, J.H., Kim, J.Y., Cho, K.S., Lee, T.H., Kim, K.S., and Ryu, H.W. "Comparative study on the decolorization ability of fungal isolates" Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Ecology, p. 79 (2002. 8. 11.-18.).

Cho, K.S, Choi, J.M., Ryu, H.W., and An, Y.J. "Anaerobic biodegradation of toluene coupled to sulfate reduction in gasoline-contaminated soils" In site and on-site bioremediation (the 7th international symposium, 2003. 6. 2-5).

Cho, K.S. Choi, M.S., Hong, J.H., Kim, D.S. Ryu, H.W., Kim, D.J., Sohn, J.S, and Park, K.H., Microbioal recovery of copper from printed circuit boards of waste computer by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2003. 9. 14-18, Athene, Greece.

Cho, K.S., Moon, H.S., Yoo, N.Y., and Ryu H.W., Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals from Sewage Sludge by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans MET, International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2003. 9. 14-18, Athene, Greece. 
